Cats love to scratch.
For awhile it seemed as if every new shoe I owned, N'greeta
loved to scratch and chew on. Especially my hiking and beach shoes.
My wife and I have seen N'greeta pass up a perfectly good scratch
pad and start in on my stuff.
All the while looking at me saying, Hey, I'ms a cat and this is
whats I do.
And then came catnip...
Catnip or cat mint depending on how they say it in your town, is a
plant. There is an ingredient called Nepetalactone found in the
leaves of the plant and it makes some cats wild and happy.
If you have a cat that seems determined to scratch on furniture -or
shoes- you may want to give catnip a try.
Rub or sprinkle some on the scratch pad, post or area you have set
up for kitty to claw and be consistent.
Don't give up, scratching is a natural thing for Tabby so working
with him or her will allow her to show you her skills and you to
keep your shoes and furniture in tact.
Treat time
Have fun!
Pick up this fun cat peek toy to keep your feline happy...